Thursday, June 02, 2005

An Answer

Waking up on this warm day
Sitting on this humble bamboo chair
Looking at the morning dew on those tiny leaves
Am I here?
Breathing it in and out....the watery air
Blinking my eyes,
trying to move this blocking mist
off my half-opened eyes
Am I truly here?

My wandering mind freeing herself
Trying to cherish the rarety of moment and chance
Enjoying her private time
Releasing her devils and enemies
Letting them free
as free as herself

What brought me here?
Was it pain of love?
Was it cruelty of heart?
Was it misery of mind?
Was it disappointment of life?
Was it tickle of conscience?
Was it all?
or else?

There's one moment silence
I can hear the spinning wheels
of this brain of mine
Figuring it out
the answer
That's it...
an answer


Stephanie said...

Clarification of the mind. I love it.

RinAku said...

Telescopic_viewpoint :

Thank You :)